“Girl with Curious Hair” Meets Her Public


As luck, fate and serendipity would have it, Parissa (yep, the fab blogger from “Girl with Curious Hair“) came to town with M for a conference, and we got to squeeze in a quick meet-n-greet lunch. If you’re ever in DC, and you want a truly amazing culinary treat, check out Oya Restaurant and Lounge, Pan-Asian digs just as good as anything you’d find in San Francisco.

Just as good as the food was the company I kept.  Bloggers are usually known as a narcissist, fairly snarky bunch, but Ms. P is anything but.  She’s one of the most tenderhearted people I’ve met in a long time, with not a trace of ego, guile, or sarcasm to be found (can’t say the same for me unfortunately). She’s a pure soul, and to top it off, she’s actually KNITTING me a scarf. In one of my favorite colors. How cool is that???

Anyway, we had a great time, and I wanted to share the love with you all.

4 responses to ““Girl with Curious Hair” Meets Her Public

  1. Girl With Curious Hair

    And here I considered myself the lucky fan who got to meet a lovely blogger!

  2. you two are so pretty! I’m sure you’ll love the scarf- the blanket she knitted for Inara is beautiful.

  3. *sigh* I have always wanted to go to D.C. ….meeting a cool blogger would just be bliss

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